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Supporting Pastoralism and Agriculture
in Recurrent and Protracted Crises
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This digital dashboard provides a summary of the various types of innovations available to pastoralists and agro-pastoralists in dryland regions in SPARC focus countries.

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Showing 7 - 9 of 54 innovationsPage 3 of 18
Cam Dairies
Câm Dairies is a pastoralist-driven dairy company building a new economy centred around real dairy, with a mission to reintroduce fresh milk to Nigerian households, nourishing their growing population and eradicating poverty for pastoralist suppliers.
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Camel Milk Cooling
The Yabello Pastoral and Dryland Agriculture Research Centre Dairy Research Team has developed a technology usage manual for camel milk quality control during transportation to market that involves wrapping milk containers in sisal foil up to the neck level and soaking in water before adding milk. This technique maintains the quality of milk and hygiene during transportation. This technique solves problems of milk spoilage, deterioration of milk hygiene and improves quality of milk during transportation.
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Community Enterprise Development Impact Bond
The Community Enterprise Development Impact Bond for climate resilience is the first Peace Impact Bond to increase access to funding community-prioritized initiatives that build climate resilience and reduce conflict between communities.
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