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Supporting Pastoralism and Agriculture
in Recurrent and Protracted Crises
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Explore SPARC’s publications and resources as we create, distil, evaluate and share evidence and best practice on research and policy that aims to support pastoralists and farmers in dryland areas.

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xx Publications and resources

This report, funded by SPARC and prepared at the request of the G20 Presidency, highlights the potential for more rapid progress to eradicate extreme poverty.
A man tends his livestock in Sankabar Kebele, the Somali region of Ethiopia. Credit: UNICEF Ethiopia. Publications and resources

This report, commissioned midway through SPARC’s six-year run, synthesises the programme's work in the period 2020 to mid-2023.
Troops advance during anti-Shabaab operation in Somalia. Publications and resources

This SPARC-funded report, launched at COP28 in December, argues for a new way of thinking about and delivering the climate agenda in fragile and conflict-affected situations.
Ploughing with cattle in southwestern Ethiopia. Credit: ILRI/Stevie Mann Publications and resources

This policy brief, developed for the UK’s 2023 Global Food Security Summit, summarises insights from recent SPARC research on how to bolster food security in countries affected by conflict and protracted crises.
Rice Farmers in Cambodia Publications and resources

Farming after fighting: a report that examines agricultural recovery after conflict, using global case studies to extract insights and gather learnings.
A Samburu woman from Northern Kenya enters data into the Mbiotisho app. Credit: ILRI Publications and resources

This Research Framework aims to guide SPARC interventions between 2023 and 2025.
The fight against Ebola in West Africa Publications and resources

This note summarises insights from a study commissioned by FCDO, which examines the lessons that can be drawn from previous crises to inform responses to Covid-19 in rural Africa.

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