Publications and resources

How can development partners support food security in protracted crises?

This policy brief, developed for the UK’s 2023 Global Food Security Summit, summarises insights from recent SPARC research on how to bolster food security in countries affected by conflict and protracted crises.

By Simon Levine Steve Wiggins
Reframing aid and resilience Supporting livelihoods and markets Working in a changing climate Global
Ploughing with cattle in southwestern Ethiopia. Credit: ILRI/Stevie Mann

What does meaningful support to bolster food security look like in countries affected by conflict and protracted crises?

This brief offers five key lessons from Supporting Pastoralism and Agriculture in Recurrent and Protracted Crises' (SPARC) research in the Sahel, Syria and Yemen: mostly semi-arid areas subject to protracted crises and conflict, sometimes exacerbated by natural disasters, where food crises and food emergencies threaten. Key insights include:

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