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Supporting Pastoralism and Agriculture
in Recurrent and Protracted Crises
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Two mismatched puzzle pieces representing valuable assets and mass employment try to fit in the same place, which is also mismatched. Technical report

This report sets out to see if it is possible to assess the impacts PWP assets have on people’s livelihoods in order to learn new lessons about how, when — or whether — to use PWP.
Travelling to find water during the drought in Ethiopia’s East Shoa Zone, 2016. Credit: UNICEF Ethiopia/2016/Ayene Technical report

This report provides new data about the current and potential future losses and damages from climate-attributable weather events in the Sahel and Horn of Africa, with a specific focus on the agriculture and livestock sectors.
Herders at the camel market on the far west side of Omdurman, Sudan - Image by David Stanley - CC BY 2.0 SPARC partner publication

This report examines the causes and impacts of conflict through a political economy and food production lens, focusing on the farmers of Azaza Sogora Village and the Fallata pastoralists
A nomadic Fulani child in Bauchi State Nigeria being vaccinated - Image by NSTOP Team / CDC Global - CC BY 2.0 Journal article

This study aims to identify the socio-cultural, economic and institutional factors contributing to gender inequalities among the pastoralists of Bauchi and Gombe States in Nigeria's Sahel region

Latest news and features

Shepherding in Ta Kuti village - photo by Arne Hoel / World Bank News

SPARC partner the Nigeria-based Fulbe Development and Cultural Organization is officially recognised by the United Nations Positive Livelihood Award Centre.
A man walks through the flood waters in Beletweyne, Somalia in May 2016. Credit: AMISOM Photo/Tobin Jones News

Analysing the impacts of climate change in fragile countries is difficult, but it is possible – and it should not be an excuse for inaction.
Cow herd in the Ferlo sylvo-pastoral zone at the beginning of the rainy season - Image Baba Ba Blog

Better management of natural resources can drive ‘peace with nature’ and conflict resolution. Read about our new work on 'conventions locales', participatory rangeland management and peacebuilding.

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