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Supporting Pastoralism and Agriculture
in Recurrent and Protracted Crises
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Herd of cattle drink from a water hole in Somalia. Image by Voyage New Media, shutterstock
SPARC partner publication

Despite efforts to link humanitarian responses and development programming, gaps in effectively aligning and
integrating the two aids still exist. How can we move towards effective integration?
Camel herder and camels under a wide blue sky
Policy brief

Advances in forecasting, observation networks and collaboration mean better weather forecasts, so why do pastoralists show little demand for them, and how can we better reach them?
A man crouches down as he measures a plot of farmland
Policy brief

Many of East Africa's drylands have suffered from top-down neglect or modernisation, both of which have failed to integrate local knowledge and voices. Can participatory planning help, and how?
Cattle in Lodwar, Kenya - Image by Rob Hope/ REACH - CC BY 2.0
Journal article

This paper studies the causal link between forage condition and food security in northern Kenya and southern Ethiopia, and explores the mechanisms through which the effects occur.

Latest news and features

Woman with mobile phone in Kenya - Image by J Mulwa/Mercy Corps

Our blog explores what tech firms, agroproducers, private sector actors, government, Non-Governmental Organisations and donors need to know about the impact of social media in the drylands.
Poster of webinar on opportunities for digital financial and information services to build resilience in Nigeria

Digital financial and information services can transform the livelihoods of agroproducers in Nigeria. This blog - based on a SPARC, Dalberg Research and Mercy Corps AgriFin webinar - explains how.
A Saudi returnee with a mobile phone returns to her home in Ethiopia - image by Ayene / UNICEF - CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED

Digital financial and information services can transform the livelihoods of agro producers across Ethiopia. This blog - based on a SPARC, Dalberg Research and Mercy Corps AgriFin event - explains how.

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