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Supporting Pastoralism and Agriculture
in Recurrent and Protracted Crises
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Understanding land and conflict

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A community focus group being held with pastoralists from the Waldaa community - Image by Ken Otieno Technical report

This report aims to deepen understanding of land tenure in pastoral lands under collective ownership, taking a case from northern Marsabit, Kenya.
Researchers interview Wakilé Allah pastoralists from Tigre, in the commune of Binde - Image by Issa Sawadogo / SPARC Technical report

This report reviews land tenure for pastoralism and its governance in southern Burkina Faso, and outlines steps that can be taken to safeguard pastoralists’ tenure.
Scenes from Al Nnuhoud Livestock Market, North Kordofan – Image by Salahaldeen Nadir / World Bank Technical report

This report reviews the significance of pastoralism in Sudan, formal tenure systems and their governance, and tribal systems.
Dynamic Drylands Audio and podcasts

Dynamic Drylands is SPARC's podcast mini-series which explores new ways of thinking about aid, development and resilience in the drylands of Africa and the Middle East.

Latest news and features

Shepherding in Ta Kuti village - photo by Arne Hoel / World Bank News

SPARC partner the Nigeria-based Fulbe Development and Cultural Organization is officially recognised by the United Nations Positive Livelihood Award Centre.
Cow herd in the Ferlo sylvo-pastoral zone at the beginning of the rainy season - Image Baba Ba Blog

Better management of natural resources can drive ‘peace with nature’ and conflict resolution. Read about our new work on 'conventions locales', participatory rangeland management and peacebuilding.

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