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Supporting Pastoralism and Agriculture
in Recurrent and Protracted Crises
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With 196 million people, Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country. Around 10 per cent of its people are between 15 and 19. Agriculture is a foundation of the country’s economy, contributing to about 21 per cent of GDP, and with just over one-third of working people in the country employed in agriculture. Livestock production, largely managed by pastoral communities in Nigeria’s semi-arid areas, is an important part of Nigeria’s economy, with around 13 million families owning livestock.

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A farmer in Menz, Ethiopia gets help from her 10 year old daughter in keeping her sheep.

The challenges of food security and economic development in fragile contexts have become urgent. This report asks what more can be done to address food security in such contexts using private sector solutions.
Farmers and herders in Nigeria speak to SPARC - Image by FUDECO

This brief is the second in a series highlighting issues facing pastoralists and agropastoralists in two areas in Nigeria: Hayin Ade in Kaduna State and Wuro Alhaji Idrisa Bappate in Taraba State.
Researchers interview women in Hayin Ade - image by Maryam Yusuf Bayero FUDECO

This research is the first in a series of longitudinal studies into the impact of violent and non-violent conflict on lives and livelihoods, and mediation dynamics, in Nigeria and Somalia.
Transporting water containers from distribution point. Credit: Photo by Jonathan Kalan (p-KEN0646)/ IFRC

This report looks at how increased pressures and competition for natural resources and pastoral lands in East and West Africa have affected pastoralists' governance and tenure systems.

Latest news and features

Vaccination of a Fulani child in Gwaskaram, Bauchi State, Nigeria - Image by National Stop Transition of Polio Programme Team - CC BY 2.0 Blog

On International Day of Rural Women, the IDRC-SPARC gender team reflects on its work with pastoralist women and communities, and the potential of empowering rural women to bring about gender equality.
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In the month in which International Women’s Day is celebrated, Katharine Vincent gives an update on SPARC and IDRC-funded projects promoting gender equality in African countries.
Poster of webinar on opportunities for digital financial and information services to build resilience in Nigeria Blog

Digital financial and information services can transform the livelihoods of agroproducers in Nigeria. This blog - based on a SPARC, Dalberg Research and Mercy Corps AgriFin webinar - explains how.

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