This paper studies the causal link between forage condition and food security in northern Kenya and southern Ethiopia, and explores the mechanisms through which the effects occur.
This policy brief explores the challenges pastoralists face when using climate information services (CIS). It outlines key considerations for scaling up effective CIS in drylands.
This policy brief shares experiences of using crowdsourced data to observe changes in food security attributable to drought in hard-to-reach and fragile areas of Ethiopia and Kenya.
This report reviews land tenure for pastoralism and its governance in southern Burkina Faso, and outlines steps that can be taken to safeguard pastoralists’ tenure.
Why do pastoralist women and men interact differently with animal health services? How can we use this knowledge to improve the design, delivery and use of veterinary solutions in drylands?
Using the experiences of pastoral communities in the drylands of Ethiopia and Kenya, we provide evidence-based recommendations to improve women pastoralists’ access to animal health services.
In this blog, we share how our research with Dinka pastoralists in South Sudan is deepening our understanding of ways to build gender-responsive climate resilient communities.