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Supporting Pastoralism and Agriculture
in Recurrent and Protracted Crises
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Publications and resources

Explore SPARC’s publications and resources as we create, distil, evaluate and share evidence and best practice on research and policy that aims to support pastoralists and farmers in dryland areas.

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  • Africa
Kodet Abraham harvests fodder that he has grown for his livestock, Karamoja, Uganda, 2021. Image by Ezra Millstein / Mercy Corps Technical report

Northern Uganda continues to cope with the aftermath of war, despite millions of dollars in aid and numerous post-war development programmes.
Collecting water at the UNDP-funded dam in Baligubadle, Somaliland, northwest Somalia. Credit: UNDP Somalia (CC BY-NC 2.0) Technical report

If losses and damages triggered by climate change are to be addressed in national and international policy, finance and action, losses and damages need to be specified and estimated.
Camel herder and camels under a wide blue sky Policy brief

Advances in forecasting, observation networks and collaboration mean better weather forecasts, so why do pastoralists show little demand for them, and how can we better reach them?
A man crouches down as he measures a plot of farmland Policy brief

Many of East Africa's drylands have suffered from top-down neglect or modernisation, both of which have failed to integrate local knowledge and voices. Can participatory planning help, and how?
Cattle in Lodwar, Kenya - Image by Rob Hope/ REACH - CC BY 2.0 Journal article

This paper studies the causal link between forage condition and food security in northern Kenya and southern Ethiopia, and explores the mechanisms through which the effects occur.
Mobile phone user in Ethiopia - image by S. Sheridan / Mercy Corps Policy brief

This policy brief explores the challenges pastoralists face when using climate information services (CIS). It outlines key considerations for scaling up effective CIS in drylands.
A community focus group being held with pastoralists from the Waldaa community - Image by Ken Otieno Technical report

This report aims to deepen understanding of land tenure in pastoral lands under collective ownership, taking a case from northern Marsabit, Kenya.
x Policy brief

This policy brief shares experiences of using crowdsourced data to observe changes in food security attributable to drought in hard-to-reach and fragile areas of Ethiopia and Kenya.
Researchers interview Wakilé Allah pastoralists from Tigre, in the commune of Binde - Image by Issa Sawadogo / SPARC Technical report

This report reviews land tenure for pastoralism and its governance in southern Burkina Faso, and outlines steps that can be taken to safeguard pastoralists’ tenure.

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