Livelihoods, conflict and mediation: Somalia

This report is the second in a series highlighting learning emerging from a longitudinal study examining violent and non-violent conflict and mediation dynamics in Somalia and Nigeria.

Publisher SPARC
By Sarah Opitz-Stapleton Leigh Mayhew Ibifuro Joy Alasia Ibrahim Ali Dagane Isaac Mbeche Muzzamil Abdi Sheikh Samaha Yusuf Nor Abdiaziz Mohamed Harir Abdirahman Said Hassan Obioma Egemonye
Understanding land and conflict Supporting livelihoods and markets Africa Somalia
A camel in Somalia - image by Muzzamil Abdi Sheikh

The aim of the longitudinal study is to document and understand the challenges facing people with different livelihoods, particularly around disputes and conflict of various types, and how these are impacting lives and livelihoods.

Our research did not initially focus on particular types of disputes and conflict, but rather let the interviewees describe the types of disputes and conflict they had experienced in the last five years, including their views on the perpetrators and causes. The economic, environmental, political and social contexts at the local-to-national levels are continually evolving, and regional-to-global events such as the economic repercussions of Covid-19 are being felt at the local level.

We aim to capture how people are coping with and adapting their livelihoods to this dynamism. With each subsequent round of research, we will combine analysis of impactful events and trends at local-to-global scales to complement the narratives emerging from individual interviews. We will also be undertaking deeper analysis of some of the dispute and conflict dynamics mentioned during the interviews. Specific questions guiding the research include:

Key messages emerging from this study include:

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