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Soutenir le Pastoralisme et l'Agriculture
durant les Crises Récurrentes et Prolongées
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Showing 43 - 45 of 51 innovationsPage 15 of 17
SimPastoralist is a gaming app that introduces pastoralists, agro-pastoralists, policy makers and other relevant stakeholders to index-based livestock insurance by simulating livestock ownership with and without insurance during good seasons and times of drought.
This is where you can browse SPARC resources by country/region
Smallholder Farmers Rural Radio
The Smallholders Farmers Rural Radio broadcasts educational radio programmes on crop cultivation, livestock rearing and soil management 10 hours per day in the local Igbo language to inform and educate its 250,000 small-farmer listeners and improve their agricultural, environmental management and market access capacity.
This is where you can browse SPARC resources by country/region
Host Organisations
Thola allows investment in superior production bulls, carefully selected for their genetic quality that increases supply of good semen in the market and opens global distribution opportunities into emerging markets like Africa. This also helps increase cattle production and access to rich animal protein.
This is where you can browse SPARC resources by country/region
Host Organisations

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