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Camel Milk Cooling

Ethiopia has a large camel population despite the arid and semi-arid areas of its southeast lowlands. Here browse and water are limited and pastoralists rely mainly on camels for their livelihood where they are kept mostly for milk production. For most pastoralists, camel milk is consumed either fresh or in varying degrees of sourness in the raw state without heat treatment; thus posing a health hazard to the consumer.

The Yabello Pastoral and Dryland Agriculture Research Center Dairy Research Team has developed a technology usage manual for camel milk quality control during transportation to market that involves wrapping milk containers in sisal foil up to the neck level and soaking in water before adding milk. This technique maintains the quality of milk and hygiene during transportation. This technique solves problems of milk spoilage, deterioration of milk hygiene and overall improves the quality of milk during transportation.

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