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Hydroponic Africa

Hydroponics Africa’s simplified hydroponic farming technology enables farmers to produce both food crops and livestock fodder without the use of soil. The technique uses a mineral nutrient solution in a water solvent as the soil substitute and has proven to be safe, fast, more economical and most importantly, sustainable.

The company sells and installs complete hydroponic vegetable systems, both vertical and horizontal. Vertical pipes can extend upward by several meters and hence better suited for cities and semi-urban areas as they take less space. Horizontal pipes can be stacked skyward, irrespective of their length. This method of farming uses eighty percent less water compared to traditional farming.

The hydroponic fodder system involves a young tender grass grown from cereal grain, mostly barley. In essence, it replaces grains like a dairy meal, pig’s feeds, and poultry feed concentrates. This system involves a temperature and humidity controlled growing room that is designed for sprouting grains.

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