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durant les Crises Récurrentes et Prolongées
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Ethno E-Empowerment

The region of Karamoja in Northeast Uganda lacks water storage for production, which constrains economic development opportunities and increases the vulnerability of communities which predominantly depend on agriculture and livestock to climate variability and change. Existing water for production infrastructure is often not well designed, insufficient in terms of storage quantity, and many times lacks proper operation and maintenance. The joint EU, BMZ, GIZ and ENWASS project addresses this situation by strengthening the capacities of the relevant institutions for a sustainable increase of water storage capacity for production purposes, embedded in a climate sensitive water resources management on the catchment level.

The objective of Ethno E-Empowerment ( is to support the socio-cultural aspect of the source protection of valley tanks in Karamoja. In the semi-arid region, water for production infrastructure and valley tanks and dams, are mainly used by pastoralists for their livestock and domestic purposes, yet little for agricultural production. The aim of is to support the change in mindset of water users and to educate them on options how to use their water for a sustainable production infrastructure. 

After research and field visits from July to August 2019 and January to February 2020, have developed, tested and finalized four e-Books in English and Karamojong.

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