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Soutenir le Pastoralisme et l'Agriculture
durant les Crises Récurrentes et Prolongées
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The lack of identification tags or branding marks on animals, which could be used to identify stolen stock; the existence of illegal cattle slaughterhouses and the lack of an early warning system represent the biggest challenge authorities are facing in their efforts to carry out effective policies and contain rustling.

DARAL is a Livestock Identification and Traceability System composed of a mobile platform and a web application connected to a centralized database. DARAL aims to facilitate an SMS-based, two-way exchange of data between farmers and veterinary and law enforcement agencies. It houses a national registry of farmers, including contact information and livestock census data; manage a nationwide, SMS-based alert system connecting farmers with both veterinary health and law enforcement authorities; collect statistics regarding farmers and their livestock, and provide a platform for raising farmer awareness of circulating diseases and best practices.

DARAL, by offering an identification and alert system, thereby reducing cattle rustling and fighting the spread of disease, will help in solving the issue of disruption of socioeconomic activities, conflicts among communities, environmental degradation and high levels of starvation and malnutrition among the displaced groups. Governments, NGOs and Insurance companies will also be able to leverage the data provided by the platform to turn farming into a more secure and profitable industry.

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