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Soutenir le Pastoralisme et l'Agriculture
durant les Crises Récurrentes et Prolongées
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SimPastoralist is a game that introduces pastoralists, agro-pastoralists, policy makers and other relevant stakeholders to index-based livestock insurance by simulating livestock ownership with and without insurance during good seasons and times of drought.

SimPastoralist allows users to tests two types of insurance. The first is a typical livestock insurance that provides cash payouts if livestock are threatened by severe drought. The other included the option of money for household expenses to make up for lost income. When used with pastoralist families, the games provides the experience of trying livestock insurance across many seasons.

The app is one tool that can be used to explain index-based livestock insurance to populations not always familiar with insurance products. Also, data collected during the game provides insights on how to design insurance that responds better to women’s needs. While

SimPastoralist is a game, its value for research depends on how well it simulates real life. The decisions pastoralist families make from season to season about buying, selling or insuring goats, or sending their kids to school determine the courses of their lives.

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