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Soutenir le Pastoralisme et l'Agriculture
durant les Crises Récurrentes et Prolongées
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Sidai Africa

Sidai Africa is a company that supplies branded inputs, services and training to farmers and pastoralists across Kenya. Sidai manufactures its own range of livestock products, using trusted GMP manufacturers, ensuring factory to farm quality.

Sidai works with local and international suppliers to stock a full range of products ensuring that farmers can get what they need through Sidai’s network of ‘one-stop’ shops. Sidai’s products and services fill a long-standing gap in the market. By focusing on the intersection of quality, distribution, and knowledge, Sidai provides value to all actors at all stages of the supply chain, ensuring end-users are informed, receive high-quality products, and can access Sidai’s services no matter where they are located.

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