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Soutenir le Pastoralisme et l'Agriculture
durant les Crises Récurrentes et Prolongées
Get in touch

GARBAL is a tailor-made information service intended to meet the specific needs of pastoralists and farmers to improve their decision-making and give them more predictability and agility. 

The main objective of the GARBAL service is to assist pastoralists and farmers in their decision-making by providing information on: the availability of surface water and water points; the availability of forage biomass; rainfall and other agro-meteorological information; the situation and condition of the transhumance trails; the price of agricultural produce at strategic markets; advisory support in the fields of agriculture and livestock. 

This is where you can browse SPARC resources by country/region
Host Organisations

Questionnaire pour les utilisateurs

SPARC souhaite mieux comprendre qui accède aux recherches sur notre site web, comment elles sont utilisées et comment nous pouvons les améliorer. Les informations que nous recueillons ici ne sont utilisées qu'à des fins de monitoring et d'évaluation internes.

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