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Infographics: transboundary climate and adaptation risks

These infographics explore what triggers transboundary climate and adaptation risks and how they spread, and policy-makers’ perceptions of likelihood and severity.


Contenu des pages

Transboundary climate change and adaptation risks (TCARs) are the potential consequences or outcomes that could occur as the result of transboundary climate change impacts, the transboundary effects of adaptation decisions made by one or more countries or the transboundary effects of mitigation actions on countries’ adaptation options.

These infographics explore what triggers these risks and how they spread, how African policy-makers and experts perceive climate change and adaptation risks based on a SPARC 2021 survey, the case study countries, and provide more detail on the transboundary climate change and adaptation risks explored in the perceptions survey.

Read the related report 'Transboundary climate and adaptation risks in Africa: perceptions from 2021', where we document how African policy-makers and experts perceive climate change and adaptation risks that have the potential for multi-country to regional consequences. 


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