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Supporting Pastoralism and Agriculture
in Recurrent and Protracted Crises
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Innovation, pastoralism and climate change in Africa's drylands

SPARC research shows how social and technological innovations can help pastoralists in the African drylands cope with increasingly unpredictable rainfall patterns.

Publisher Climate Home News

SPARC has mapped innovations developed for pastoralists and agro-pastoralists in African drylands. Our goal is to understand how these innovations promote long-term benefits for pastoral communities – and break the cycle of poverty and vulnerability to shocks – and how these benefits can be improved. Detailed findings of this research show how and where significant opportunities exist to support pastoralists in their effective use of rangelands.

Pastoral and agro-pastoral communities across parts of African drylands face several threats to the sustainability of their livelihoods because of the change of use of traditional rangeland, along with changing weather patterns. As such, pastoral communities need solutions to enable them to withstand and recover from the impact of climate change on their livelihoods. Innovative programmes, which think - and put into practice - ways to ‘do business differently’, are an essential part of this.

Read more about our work on innovations in drylands on Climate Home news

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