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Supporting Pastoralism and Agriculture
in Recurrent and Protracted Crises
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Alexis Teyie

Latest news and features

Woman with mobile phone in Kenya - Image by J Mulwa/Mercy Corps Blog

Our blog explores what tech firms, agroproducers, private sector actors, government, Non-Governmental Organisations and donors need to know about the impact of social media in the drylands.
Tanzanians use mobile money platforms to pay bills - Image by Angaza / DIVatUSAID - CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Blog

What role can social media platforms play to support pastoralists in Tanzania? Read this article as part of our ongoing research into the role of innovation to build resilience in dryland regions.
A mobile phone is charged using a car battery in Kiwanji, Uganda - Image by Ken Banks - CC BY 2.0 Blog

Smart investment in Uganda's mobile infrastructure for pastoralist markets holds real potential to support resilience building in the country's drylands. This article explains why this matters.

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