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Supporting Pastoralism and Agriculture
in Recurrent and Protracted Crises
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Shepherding in Ta Kuti village - photo by Arne Hoel / World Bank
Guelta d'Archei waterhole near oasis, Ennedi Plateau, Chad, Africa. Image by Beata Tabak / shutterstock. Technical report

This study assesses Chad’s capacity to plan for, access, use, monitor and report on climate finance.
Kodet Abraham harvests fodder that he has grown for his livestock, Karamoja, Uganda, 2021. Image by Ezra Millstein / Mercy Corps Technical report

Northern Uganda continues to cope with the aftermath of war, despite millions of dollars in aid and numerous post-war development programmes.
Collecting water at the UNDP-funded dam in Baligubadle, Somaliland, northwest Somalia. Credit: UNDP Somalia (CC BY-NC 2.0) Technical report

If losses and damages triggered by climate change are to be addressed in national and international policy, finance and action, losses and damages need to be specified and estimated.

Latest news and blogs

A man walks through the flood waters in Beletweyne, Somalia in May 2016. Credit: AMISOM Photo/Tobin Jones News

Analysing the impacts of climate change in fragile countries is difficult, but it is possible – and it should not be an excuse for inaction.
Cow herd in the Ferlo sylvo-pastoral zone at the beginning of the rainy season - Image Baba Ba Blog

Better management of natural resources can drive ‘peace with nature’ and conflict resolution. Read about our new work on 'conventions locales', participatory rangeland management and peacebuilding.
Vaccination of a Fulani child in Gwaskaram, Bauchi State, Nigeria - Image by National Stop Transition of Polio Programme Team - CC BY 2.0 Blog

On International Day of Rural Women, the IDRC-SPARC gender team reflects on its work with pastoralist women and communities, and the potential of empowering rural women to bring about gender equality.

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