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Supporting Pastoralism and Agriculture
in Recurrent and Protracted Crises
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Adriana Quevedo

Adriana is a Senior Research Fellow in the Global Risks and Resilience programme at ODI. Adriana has advised on the development of key strategic documents to support Rwanda’s low carbon development in the agriculture, infrastructure and finance sectors – particularly on mainstreaming climate change into existing policies and strategies and, in turn, on feasible actions using practical tools for more efficient implementation efforts.

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Pastoralists come to Harshim town from neighbouring woredas and Somalia looking for water in Fafan Zone Somali region in 2017 - Image by Michael Tsegaye / UNICEF Ethiopia -

This policy brief outlines some of the key actions the Federal Government of Somalia, and development and humanitarian partners financing climate-related activities can take to accelerate climate action.
Women carry water back to their homes in Wolgeba village in Halaba Zone - Image by UNICEF/ Nahom Tesfayeby - CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Policy brief

This policy brief provides a call to understand risks differently and increase financial support, including climate adaptation finance.
Somali women living in El Waq, a small town in Somalia have long suffered years of conflict, marginalization and drought/ Credit: Mohamed Abdullah Adan, PACT (CC BY-NC 2.0) Technical report

This research accompanies the synthesis report ‘Exploring the conflict blind spots in climate adaptation finance’, which provides key recommendations based on the findings in this working paper.
Mali West Africa Image by Martha de Jong-Lantink CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Technical report

This report examines whether climate adaptation programmes have been conflict-sensitive in fragile and conflict-affected regions, and the barriers to increasing adaptation finance to these contexts.

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A woman collects millet in a land rented by a community leader in Saluma Area, near El Fasher, Sudan (Photo: United Nations / Flickr) News

Communities affected by conflict and fragility are increasingly facing climate change threats, yet climate finance is leaving these people behind.

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