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Supporting Pastoralism and Agriculture
in Recurrent and Protracted Crises
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Magda Nassef

Research and Technical Coordinator, SPARC

Magda holds a Masters Degree in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and has spent the last 15 years focused on issues related to pastoralism, natural resource governance and land use in East Africa. 

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Researchers interview Wakilé Allah pastoralists from Tigre, in the commune of Binde - Image by Issa Sawadogo / SPARC Technical report

This report reviews land tenure for pastoralism and its governance in southern Burkina Faso, and outlines steps that can be taken to safeguard pastoralists’ tenure.
Out to pasture - Herders guide their cattle back to the pasture, Zorro village, Bukina Faso - Image by by Ollivier Girard CIFOR -CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED Technical report

This consolidated study explores pastoral collective tenure and degrees of tenure security in pastoral systems in Kenya, Sudan and Burkina Faso.
Man walking with camels in Kenya - Photo by Curt Carnemark / World Bank - CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED

This brief outlines a preliminary research framework developed by SPARC and the CGIAR Research Initiative on Fragility, Conflict and Migration on conflict between farmers and livestock herders.
Young boy herding cows

This new report provides insights into the causes of farmer–herder conflict, uncovering trends and potential gaps in understanding.

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Panel at IGAD event Blog

SPARC-supported research and expertise informs high-level regional conference on land and conflict in Africa, forming the basis for nascent collaboration with IGAD

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