Explore SPARC’s publications and resources as we create, distil, evaluate and share evidence and best practice on research and policy that aims to support pastoralists and farmers in dryland areas.
Dynamic Drylands is SPARC's podcast mini-series which explores new ways of thinking about aid, development and resilience in the drylands of Africa and the Middle East.
This report sets out to see if it is possible to assess the impacts PWP assets have on people’s livelihoods in order to learn new lessons about how, when — or whether — to use PWP.
This is the third in a series of longitudinal studies into the political, socioeconomic and environmental issues facing pastoralists and agropastoralists in Hayin Ade and Wuro Alhaji Idrissa Bappate.
This brief recommends that the Ethiopia Disaster Risk Management Commission, supported by international partners, establish a specialist ENSO–IOD facility to plan for the impact of a drought in 2024.
Using examples from Afghanistan, this research outlines 10 traps that practitioners and donors working in fragile and conflict-affected regions must avoid if aid is to engage effectively with context.
This report, based on interviews with farming families, sets out actions to support food security in Afghanistan by strengthening post-harvest storage and food processing practices in rural areas.
This article argues that public policy and programmes designed to reduce poverty and strengthen resilience in drylands must be aware of their potential to undermine psychosocial climate resilience.
This paper presents the results of a review of the landscape of research on gender and agricultural and pastoral livelihoods in west and east Africa published between January 2016 and March 2021.
This scoping paper presents the results of a review of gender-related findings in research published over the past five years on agricultural and pastoral livelihoods in SPARC focus countries.