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Supporting Pastoralism and Agriculture
in Recurrent and Protracted Crises
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What are the key debates, and topical and pressing issues, in research and policy that inform programming and funding to support pastoralists and farmers in dryland regions? What are the perspectives and priorities of dryland communities? Read our news and blog articles to keep updated.

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Shepherding in Ta Kuti village - photo by Arne Hoel / World Bank
A man walks through the flood waters in Beletweyne, Somalia in May 2016. Credit: AMISOM Photo/Tobin Jones
Cow herd in the Ferlo sylvo-pastoral zone at the beginning of the rainy season - Image Baba Ba Blog

Better management of natural resources can drive ‘peace with nature’ and conflict resolution. Read about our new work on 'conventions locales', participatory rangeland management and peacebuilding.
Vaccination of a Fulani child in Gwaskaram, Bauchi State, Nigeria - Image by National Stop Transition of Polio Programme Team - CC BY 2.0 Blog

On International Day of Rural Women, the IDRC-SPARC gender team reflects on its work with pastoralist women and communities, and the potential of empowering rural women to bring about gender equality.
Focus group discussions with pastoralist women, with female facilitator and male notetaker. Ade Galchat kebele, El Waya, Oromoia, Ethiopia - Image by Teshome Gemechu, DAB-DRT Blog

Why do pastoralist women and men interact differently with animal health services? How can we use this knowledge to improve the design, delivery and use of veterinary solutions in drylands?

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